Wednesday 27 July 2011

27/7 Wednesday

Late night, yesterday, starting the blog posts and late getting on the road today as uploading pics, etc., while we had wifi at the Patria. There were some much better Hungarian roads on this leg, bearing in mind that we kept to local and B categories. Unfortunately, ferries were not set to be avoided by the twatnav, so we had an unplanned ferry trip across the Danube. Weather was warm and dry, very nice for riding but a bit hot in towns. Saw lots of horse and cart combinations, in Hungary and Romania, and the Romanian B roads were good. It was nice to be riding through flat, 'boring' and warm countryside after a few days in the mountains. We got stopped, at the border, by Romanian Customs but they didn't really appear to know why they did it. The posted speed limits seem to be a totally notional restriction, i.e. 90 kmh limit on single carriageways equals 100mph in practice. Quite an uneventful day, really, just getting from A to B. Lots of police on the roads in both countries, but people are very good at flashing you warnings. Best moment today? Coming up behind a woman with bright blue hair, riding a bicycle, only to find out, when we got closer she was a young Romanian cop with  huge nightstick, lol! The Hotel Arizona is OK, free wifi and well cheap beer, but there was no water when we arrived, "Problem of city, not hotel!" but meaning we were unable to shower on arrival. The water came on at about 22.00, so we should be OK in the morning.

Today he has a knackered cooker in his cart, last night it was full of catalytic converters and cable from the railway.

The bikes on the ferry

Two bikes, miles and miles of sweetcorn!

Two bikes, miles and miles of sweetcorn!

You can see it's Simon's turn to pay for fuel, Rod has over filled his bike and let it over flow on to the floor while he has a smoke.

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